We got up in the morning at the dinosaur provincial park, and decided to stay another day. We started looking for a different camp site to move to, because we had no shade, while we were looking we decided not to stay another day, so we went back to our camp site.
Before we left, we went on some trails through the provincial park. It was hot, and there wasn’t anything to do with dinosaurs, it was kind of weird.
On our way out we stopped at a visitor center. Inside there were skeletons of dinosaurs, and it was the first time I’ve ever seen a sign that said, please touch.
We weren’t shore if we were going to make it too a gas station, because we were really low on fuel, but a nice gentlemen gave us fifty dollars worth of fuel, so we were all good.
The only highlight of the trip was crossing the border into Saskatchewan. There wasn’t anything else exciting, When we got there it was late so we quickly got the tents up.
We were pretty much getting eaten alive, there were mosquitoes everywhere, so we went to ask for some mosquito spray.
After that we had dinner, we had hot dogs, and it was gross, it was covered in bugs.
After that we went to bed, and then THE END.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Kai - Two day blog
The next morning, we all woke up, packed our bags, and then headed out of Blanket Creek Park. We went straight to Revelstoke which wasn’t very far of, to buy some groceries. It took us quite a while to find parking because the Saturday market was on, which Liam and I just walked through quickly.
Once we started driving away, we quickly reached the Rocky Mountains. They were massive, and we had to go up and through them, even though the car wasn’t working too well. So about five minutes later, we began up the steep highway, going only about sixty kilometres per hour.
Right about when the road started getting flat again, we saw this black shape walking down a hill next to the highway so we kept our eye on it, but when we got a little closer, we realized that it was a Bear! A Black Bear! It was the first time Liam and I had ever seen a bear in the wild! Liam tried to get a picture but he didn’t have enough time. A little while later, we saw some mountain goats! Even some baby ones! It was amazing.
After our encounter with the wildlife, we reached Golden. We only made one quick stop at the visitor centre to go to the washroom and for Liam to get this sticker that he collects.
Our next stop was at the famous Roger’s Pass. We learned about the glaciers up on the mountains, and that an avalanche came down and killed a ton of people back when they were building the train tracks across Canada. It was a really great view!
After that, we started going down, down, down, and when we got to the bottom, the car stopped. We didn’t really have anything to do, so our dad just made sandwiches. Once we were done eating, the car started up again. We drove to Yoho for Liam to stop and get one of his stickers and then kept going, but of course, the engine stopped again, so we just sat there until it started up again.
The car didn’t stop at all again on our way to the camp site by Lake Louis, which was still quite a ways. Once we got to the check in, there was a big line up, but thankfully, there was still room inside.
Once in, we made our tents and then went to see this little play talking about the 100th year anniversary of Canadian provincial parks. Once that was over, we went back and had a fire with hot chocolate because it was starting to get chilly out.
When were all done everything, Liam and I got in the tent and went to sleep.
All night I was freezing, and in the morning, I realized it was below zero Celsius. We were all freezing cold, but my dad had decided the night before to unhitch the trailer early in the morning and then go up to Lake Louis. So that’s what we did.
When we got up to the lake, there was barely anybody there, and the scenery was amazing. It looked just like the pictures with the blue water and the snowy mountain at the end. We took a few pictures and then walked along the path next to the lake, and every time I had a chance, I would take a handful of the refreshing, but freezing cold lake water. On our way back I went into the Royal Chateau Louis and looked around.
After that, we went back to the campsite, put away the tents, had a shower, and then started driving towards Banf. Nothing really happened on the way to Banff, except the great view of the rocky mountains.
After a bit of a drive we finally reached the famous Banf. We got out of the car and walked up and down the streets while taking pictures and looking into a few of the stores. We didn’t spend too long doing that, but right after we visited the Banf Springs Hotel and got some pictures.
Once we were out of Banf, the rocky mountains pretty much just ended and it all became prairies.
We kept driving for an hour or so until we came to big Calgary. We found a place to park and then walked around downtown for an hour. The main reason was to visit the fifth tallest building in Canada. The Bow. It was really nice. After a lot of pictures, we went back to the car and started driving to our camp site. The fairly famous Dinosaur Provincial Park. On the way we stopped for groceries and went to Subway for dinner. After that we kept driving but it was getting dark and we were running low on fuel, but after getting lost once, we finally reached our destination.
Although it was dark, we put up the tents and then went to bed.
At last!
The next morning, we all woke up, packed our bags, and then headed out of Blanket Creek Park. We went straight to Revelstoke which wasn’t very far of, to buy some groceries. It took us quite a while to find parking because the Saturday market was on, which Liam and I just walked through quickly.
Once we started driving away, we quickly reached the Rocky Mountains. They were massive, and we had to go up and through them, even though the car wasn’t working too well. So about five minutes later, we began up the steep highway, going only about sixty kilometres per hour.
Right about when the road started getting flat again, we saw this black shape walking down a hill next to the highway so we kept our eye on it, but when we got a little closer, we realized that it was a Bear! A Black Bear! It was the first time Liam and I had ever seen a bear in the wild! Liam tried to get a picture but he didn’t have enough time. A little while later, we saw some mountain goats! Even some baby ones! It was amazing.
After our encounter with the wildlife, we reached Golden. We only made one quick stop at the visitor centre to go to the washroom and for Liam to get this sticker that he collects.
Our next stop was at the famous Roger’s Pass. We learned about the glaciers up on the mountains, and that an avalanche came down and killed a ton of people back when they were building the train tracks across Canada. It was a really great view!
After that, we started going down, down, down, and when we got to the bottom, the car stopped. We didn’t really have anything to do, so our dad just made sandwiches. Once we were done eating, the car started up again. We drove to Yoho for Liam to stop and get one of his stickers and then kept going, but of course, the engine stopped again, so we just sat there until it started up again.
The car didn’t stop at all again on our way to the camp site by Lake Louis, which was still quite a ways. Once we got to the check in, there was a big line up, but thankfully, there was still room inside.
Once in, we made our tents and then went to see this little play talking about the 100th year anniversary of Canadian provincial parks. Once that was over, we went back and had a fire with hot chocolate because it was starting to get chilly out.
When were all done everything, Liam and I got in the tent and went to sleep.
All night I was freezing, and in the morning, I realized it was below zero Celsius. We were all freezing cold, but my dad had decided the night before to unhitch the trailer early in the morning and then go up to Lake Louis. So that’s what we did.

After that, we went back to the campsite, put away the tents, had a shower, and then started driving towards Banf. Nothing really happened on the way to Banff, except the great view of the rocky mountains.
After a bit of a drive we finally reached the famous Banf. We got out of the car and walked up and down the streets while taking pictures and looking into a few of the stores. We didn’t spend too long doing that, but right after we visited the Banf Springs Hotel and got some pictures.

We kept driving for an hour or so until we came to big Calgary. We found a place to park and then walked around downtown for an hour. The main reason was to visit the fifth tallest building in Canada. The Bow. It was really nice. After a lot of pictures, we went back to the car and started driving to our camp site. The fairly famous Dinosaur Provincial Park. On the way we stopped for groceries and went to Subway for dinner. After that we kept driving but it was getting dark and we were running low on fuel, but after getting lost once, we finally reached our destination.
Although it was dark, we put up the tents and then went to bed.
At last!
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Liam - The Marmot
The highlight of the day was seeing a marmot on the way back from swimming in the lake. It was super cute, it was small and fluffy, I wanted to go pick it up, and cuddle with it.
I usually feel bad for all the trucks that we see that have to slow up the mountains because there so big , it must take them hours to get up the rocky mountains.
Early the next morning we left to go to Banf Alberta, but we ended up in a place called Revelstoke.
We went to the visitor center to see where to camp, and we went to a camp site called blanket creek with a bear warning.
We drove to the campsite, but to get there, you have swerve back and forth two kilometres down a mountain to get to the campsite.
After we chose our spot, we went down to a little lake to see what it was like, and it was tiny, but it was nice. Then we came back to have lunch and get bug spray on.
Later we went to an old abandoned house to explore and then we went to the beach.
In the water there were little salamanders so I would catch them and put them in holes in the ground.
Before we left we let the salamanders go, and we played some soccer for a bit, and then we left. On the way back we saw two great horned owls flying from tree to tree, that was my highlight of the day. Then we went back to our camp sight, and then I started this blog.
That’s the end, so good bye till another day.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Kai - Thursday
Thursday 25
The next day of our road trip began with a sunny morning in Osoyoos at about eight o’clock. We heaved ourselves up, then ate breakfast, put away the tents, and then set out for another long day.
We stopped at the information center to ask about where we could go fruit picking, because we didn't want to get out of the Okanogan valley without having picked any fruits. The information women wasn't much help, but she did give us a map with some camping spots, which we took and then headed off. Not long after we'd departed, we found a "U PICK" fruit and vegetable orchard, so we pulled in.
Once there, we got a bucket and picked Plums, Nectarines, Apples, Sweet peppers, Tomatoes, and Green beans. Some of the plums were incredibly sweet and juicy, so we took about nine of those. One thing I learned about Peppers is that all the red and green and purple peppers eventually turn orange, so they're all the same kind. After we were done our picking we went to pay. It came to about ten dollars for a big box. It was all delicious.
After our picking, we drove until we came to a small town called Oliver. It was a nice little area, but we drove through it pretty quickly.
After Oliver, we came to Penticton. On our way into town, we saw a go cart track, so we decided to stop. We got out to check the prices, and our dad said we could do it. Liam and I were both tall enough so we headed out to the track. The guy explained it all and before we knew it, we were slamming down on the gas pedal.
It was soooo much fun. Liam and I were the only ones doing it, so we had the whole track to ourselves. Our dad was taking pictures, but we were flying past him. We got twelve laps which was about five minutes, and after those five minutes was up, Liam and I both had a big smile on our faces. It was great.
After that event, we started driving to Kelowna, but while we were somewhere in between, the engine stopped. AGAIN, and since we were on the highway, we didn't have much room to pull over. So we ended up just sitting there for about twenty minutes until the car suddenly started working again, so we decided to go to a Dodge dealership to see what they could do. Once we got into their parking lot, the engine stopped again! So we went inside and asked the guy if he knew what was wrong, and he said if we brought it in tomorrow, they could check it out, but it would be pricy. Once we were in the car (it turned on fine) we thought we'd just go to the next camping spot.
So we drove for about an hour until we found the next camping spot, and when we did, we turned in for the night.
This campsite had much more room then yesterdays, and we had lots of shade. Once there my dad disconnected the U-Haul and went into town to get food while Liam and I made the tents. Once he got back we went for a swim in Lake Okanogan and then had hamburgers for dinner.
Now we are going to bed and we will be waking up at seven tomorrow, hoping to reach Alberta.
Good Night
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Liam - The begining
Our adventure across Canada started by leaving Saltspring Island.
We drove to the ferry terminal for our last minutes on the island. then got on the ferry.
It was a normal ride on the ferry, nothing special. We just got some food, and then sat down for the rest of the ride.
When we got to Vancouver we drove for three hours to a town called Hope. It was a nice drive next to the mountains, there was nice scenery.
When we got there it was too late to set our tents up, so we had to sleep in a motel.
We left pretty early the next morning. We drove for around twenty minutes, and then saw an avalanche lookout, to look at an avalanche that destroyed a lot of land around 50 years ago.
Just as we were turning in, the car stopped, so we got out and looked at the engine. We thought it might have over heated from going up the hill with the u-haul, so we left it there and then looked at the avalanche, there was a lot of rocks everywhere, it was pretty cool.
When we came back to the car, we tried turning it on, but it didn’t work. We thought the car was broken, and it would be the end of the trip.
My dad changed one of the fuse’s, and then it started. We were able to drive for around twenty minutes again before it broke down. This time it wasn’t very long before the engine started again. Of course, it stopped twenty minutes later again for the third time, but this time, it was stopped for a really long time. A guy pulled off from the highway to help, so then finally it worked.
We stopped at a little place in the middle of nowhere for travelers, we got a sandwiches and then left.
It was really cool driving through the forest, and then into the desert.
We stopped at a place called Princeton, to get the car checked, but they weren’t able to figure out what was wrong, so we kept on driving to a place called Osoyoos in the Okanagan valley, it was really nice there. We went to check out a really nice resort, but it was full, so we had to go to another resort.
When we got to the camp site we set up the tents, and we went for a swim. After that we had dinner, and then we went to bed.
The next morning we got up and decided to stay another day.
We went for a hike to a visitor center up in the desert, but it cost money to go any further, so we came back down and went for a swim.
After that we cleaned out our car, had dinner, and then went to the beach again.
When we came back I started on this blog, and then went to bed.
So that’s all, it’s over, you may as well go do your typical day again.
We drove to the ferry terminal for our last minutes on the island. then got on the ferry.
It was a normal ride on the ferry, nothing special. We just got some food, and then sat down for the rest of the ride.

When we got there it was too late to set our tents up, so we had to sleep in a motel.
We left pretty early the next morning. We drove for around twenty minutes, and then saw an avalanche lookout, to look at an avalanche that destroyed a lot of land around 50 years ago.
Just as we were turning in, the car stopped, so we got out and looked at the engine. We thought it might have over heated from going up the hill with the u-haul, so we left it there and then looked at the avalanche, there was a lot of rocks everywhere, it was pretty cool.
When we came back to the car, we tried turning it on, but it didn’t work. We thought the car was broken, and it would be the end of the trip.
My dad changed one of the fuse’s, and then it started. We were able to drive for around twenty minutes again before it broke down. This time it wasn’t very long before the engine started again. Of course, it stopped twenty minutes later again for the third time, but this time, it was stopped for a really long time. A guy pulled off from the highway to help, so then finally it worked.
We stopped at a little place in the middle of nowhere for travelers, we got a sandwiches and then left.
It was really cool driving through the forest, and then into the desert.
We stopped at a place called Princeton, to get the car checked, but they weren’t able to figure out what was wrong, so we kept on driving to a place called Osoyoos in the Okanagan valley, it was really nice there. We went to check out a really nice resort, but it was full, so we had to go to another resort.
When we got to the camp site we set up the tents, and we went for a swim. After that we had dinner, and then we went to bed.
The next morning we got up and decided to stay another day.
We went for a hike to a visitor center up in the desert, but it cost money to go any further, so we came back down and went for a swim.

When we came back I started on this blog, and then went to bed.
So that’s all, it’s over, you may as well go do your typical day again.
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