The first morning in Mazatlan we got up and did home schooling LLLLL, and then had breakfastJJJJJ, later that day we decided to go into town. On the way we decided to say hi to other cruisers on a 64 foot boat, that the guy made out of only wood, from his back yard. We ended up getting a tour of the boat, with 19 bunks, 2 washrooms, and 2 masts, and also had a wheel from a world war two destroyer, and a steering mechanism from a dump truck.
Although it took quite a long time for it to be made, I definitely thought my steak tacos were worth it, but my dad regret getting what he got, I’m not sure about my brother though. After that we went back to our boat and watched “Das Boot”,( which means “the boat” in German) which is a German movie about a u boat in world war two. Then we went to bed.
The next morning we got up and left right away to get to a place called Chacala. When we left I put a fishing line out, and a couple hours later I got a foot and a half skip jack, which are basically the worst fish you can catch due to their bloody meat, so we let it go.
Outside the harbour there was a variety of sea life, which included manta rays, dolphins, whales, and birds.
My brother and I stayed on watch till 9:00 pm, and then we switched with my dad for the night.
When we got up 7:00 to take over, after that, there were whales all over the place, and at one point they came to and uncomfortable range, that you could hear them blow. Sometimes they would fully jump out, and other times they just flop over.

When we got there after one and a half days, it turns out that the swells come right into the anchorage, which meant we had to put out a stern anchor.

The next morning we grabbed our stuff, and did homeschooling at the restaurant with breakfast. The rest of the day we just hung out at the beach until sunset, and then came back to the boat, I made fajitas for dinner, and then we went to bed.
The end. So now you are wasting my time at the beach, so go mind your own business.
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