Friday, 10 January 2014

Boring Blog - Liam

This blog is going to be rather short today, to tell you the truth not much

has happened besides boring work since the last one I posted. I guess Ill

start with Peanut, since the first day at the marina, my brother and I have

played with the marina dog who is said to be named Peanut. Shes a vicious

purebread Guaymas mut hound, that chases my brother and I back from the

washrooms and tears apart our garbage and grocery bags, shes also about a

foot tall and a foot long but thats not important. Aperently ever since she

was a smaller puppy then she is now the people living and working on their

boats have taken care of her. Besides this the last couple of days since we

have arrived have been pretty plain, I have been forced awake every morning

at an ungodly hour by my dad to get started on my homeschooling which takes

a couple of hours, but once Im done I get to look forwads to my cup of

instint noodle soup. After my brother and I are finished homeschooling, and

ofcourse our noodle soups, we leave the boat (AKA the work trap) to go

skateboard at the boat repair shack, because of its smooth cement surface.

Tomorrow will be the same as today, except I may have a couple dozen new

mosquito bites, so thats basicly it for now.

Good bye, Liam.

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